How to adjust the headband of the UFQ bluetooth ANR aviation headset BT A28,UFQ ANR pilot headset A28
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How to adjust the headband of the UFQ bluetooth ANR aviation headset BT A28,A28

How to adjust the headband of the UFQ bluetooth ANR aviation headset BT A28,UFQ ANR pilot headset A28

The headband of the ANR UFQ BT A28 and A28 is adjustable, as this part is made of high quality stainless steel.

Due to different aircrafts, with different noise levels, some pilots prefer good passive noise reduction, while some pilots prefer comfort over noise reduction.

With the ANR UFQ BT A28 and A28 aviation headsets, you can adjust the headband in order to get a good balance of passive noise reduction and comfort.

If you prefer comfortover passive noise reduction, then use your hands to pull the ear cups apart to stretch it. See the picture below

How to adjust the headband of the UFQ bluetooth ANR aviation headset BT A28,UFQ ANR pilot headset A28

If you prefer passive noise reduction over comfort, then twist the left ear cup,from left to the rightear cup, and also do it from the right ear cup to the left ear cup.

See pictures as below

How to adjust the headband of the UFQ bluetooth ANR aviation headset BT A28,UFQ ANR pilot headset A28-2

How to adjust the headband of the UFQ bluetooth ANR aviation headset BT A28,UFQ ANR pilot headset A28-3



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